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CAST in Love In NY episode: “Retweet”

After Alex’s first appearance in Love In NY with the episode Uncle Kevin, Alex is back in the newest episode “Retweet.”

Watch the episode below, then go check out the whole series! Seriously, though, the payoff of this episode is way better if you go back and watch the whole Dear Shalene Woodley” storyline first. Enjoy!

Retweet (7.2.18) from Love in NY on Vimeo.

Created by Matthew Russell and Sven Jähnert
Featuring: Aidan Carr, Alex Curtis, Greg Fallick, Billy Finn, Emilee Gately, Brough Hansen, Paul Mann, Maggie Mason, Liz Morgan, Matthew Russell, Casey Shae, Myah Shein & Tio Wu
Written by: Brough Hansen
Music: “Building the Truck” by 3pile
Special Thanks: Vbar&cafè & Myah Shein