A Han Solo that could have been…

Back in 2015, casting director Jeanne McCarthy – along with directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller – was hunting for the actor to bring young Han Solo to the big screen. Over the course of their search, casting saw more than 2,500 actors for the part – and Alex was one of them.

Ultimately, casting honed in on their celebrity short list, and finally announced their star, Alden Ehrenreich (who was apparently the first person to ever audition for the role). In some parallel universe, though, the wookie-loving smuggler from a galaxy far, far away might have been played by our very own Alex Curtis.

While we’ll never get to see that version of SOLO: a Star Wars Story, we can dream about it. Check out his audition here:

Perhaps Alex will get another chance to take up an iconic Harrison Ford part when Hollywood starts looking for a new Indiana Jones?

Or, he can take the advice that Ford himself gave to young actors looking to take on roles he once made famous:

Don’t do it.”