Alex is an On-Camera Technique MASTER

Alex just completed another on-camera technique workshop with the acclaimed teacher and acting coach Bob Krakower.

Acting Coach Bob Krakower

Bob Krakower on set of Fox-TV’s “Brothers”

This was Alex’s third advanced workshop with Bob, which means that Alex graduates from the ‘Advanced’ class level to ‘MASTER.’

Alex has trained with several of Bob’s protégés, including Vance Barber and Andrew Stewart-Jones, but this was Alex’s first time in class with the O.G. on-camera guru since 2015.

Bob is an extraordinary teacher and is remarkable not only for the facility with which he teaches actors the intricacies of acting for the camera, but also for the sense of play and human kindness he infuses into the work. Alex had a wonderful time in his workshop, and is looking forward to the next one.