OFFICIAL SELECTION at the Chain Film Festival

Dress to Impress will play as part of the Chain Film Festival in NYC on Friday, August 2nd at 6pm at the Chain Theatre (312 W 36 Street — between 8th and 9th ave)

Dress to Impress is a contemporary silent film that I wrote, directed and starred in about a man confronting his inner critics. Come check it out!

It is an honor for this labor of love – that I wrote, directed, produced, and starred in – to receive so much recognition, and to screen alongside so many other amazing films.

A HUGE thanks to my awesome collaborators on this project:
editor Matt Russell, DP Emilia Aghamirzai, AD Julia Trinidad, colorist Jeanne Tanios, and sound designer Ryan Schumer! 👏🎉

Dress to Impress has previously own ‘Best Short Short’ at Brightside Tavern Film Festival, ‘Best Comedy’ awards at the New York City IO Film Festival and the Gothamite Monthly Film Awards, ‘Best Male Performance in a Comedy’ at the Bridgeport Film Festival, was a semi-finalist at the Santa Monica International Filmmaker Awards, finalist at the Paris International Short Festival, and received an Honorable Mention at the Alpha Arts Film Festival.