BLOG: Let the Clowntdown Begin! (An Introduction)

But what is a “Clowntdown?”

A “clowntdown” is the same as a countdown – but with clowns.

Here’s the idea. Every week, between now and the opening of CHALK, I’ll post something sharing what I know and love about clown and clowning.

Slava Polunin

Slava’s Snow Show by Slava Polunin

And why a blog?

To give credit where credit is due, the inspiration to begin creating a blog came from two people. Neither of them are clowns, but they are both incredible artists who inspire me a lot. And, if you’re an artist looking to give yourself some direction and maybe give you career making a little boost I recommend checking out them both. The first is Dallas Travers and the second is Austin Kleon.

Dallas Travers’ art form is inspiration. She’s a career/life coach and offers a lot of cool programs for actors – but to be honest, they can be applied to almost any corner of the entertainment industry and (with some tweaking) to almost any artist anywhere. You can find her stuff here. She’s also author of the book The Toa of Show Business.

Austin Kleon is self-described “writer who draws,” and the author of the books Steal Like An Artist and Show Your Work. I recommend both, highly. Check him out at his website.

Here’s Austin’s Plug for Starting a Blog

A blog is the ideal machine for turning flow into stock… My blog has been my sketchbook, my studio, my gallery, my storefront, and my salon. Absolutely everything good that has happened in my career can be traced to my blog. My books, my art shows, my speaking gigs, some of my best friendships–they all exist because I have my own little piece of turf on the internet. – Show Your Work

So, welcome to my little piece of turf on the internet. Thanks for being here.

If you want to join the #Clowntdown, follow Chalk on Twitter (@ChalkthePlay).

Meanwhile, we’re at:

10 Weeks  to CHALK and ClownTing….

Next Week: “The 2 Types of Clowns”